“Rotary Symphony: Music for Peace”
Art. 1. – The Rotary Club of Roma Castelli Romani, in collaboration with the Municipality of Castel Gandolfo, in order to develop musical culture, promote the region of Castelli Romani and encourage young people to study music, announces the III National Competition of Chamber Music for Young Musicians and Lyric Singers “Rotary Symphony: The Music for Peace”. The competition will be held in Castel Gandolfo at Theatre Petrolini Via Prati from the 13th to the 18th of April 2015.
Art. 2. – The contest is divided into two instrumental sections of Chamber Music and one section of Lyrical Singing:
• First section: Youngest Instrumental chamber music;
• Second section: Young Instrumental chamber music;
• Third section: Young Lyrical singing.
May participate the citizens of all nationalities aged between 13 and 18 years in the First Section and aged between 18 and 30 years in the second, and between 18 and 35 years completed in the third section. The instrumental ensembles may include any instrument and be constituted by single soloist accompanied to the quintet.
Teams in Duo with 2 Pianos are excluded.
Groups that apply to the first section (the Youngest) cannot include any competitor aged greater than or equal to 18 years. The tests are public; The program is a free choice of competitors and the maximum duration is set in twelve minutes for the first section (youngest) and 20 minutes for the second section (young).
For the third section the competitors will present 5 opera arias, which will premiere in their choice and second choice from the Commission.
Art. 3. – All songs music pieces must be original or well-known transcriptions and entered in common performance practice. At the time of the performance the competitors must provide two copies of the music script which they are going to play.
Art. 4. – The Competition will be held in Castel Gandolfo from the 13th to the 18th of April 2015 at the Hall Petrolini, in Via Prati. It will develop in a single trial. The top three winners of each category will be required to perform for the final awards ceremony which will take place on the last day of the competition. Other participants will perform in the winners’ concert at the discretion of the jury.
Art. 5. – The jury will be composed of musicians of great renown and track record and the judgments will be final . The Commissioners express their vote by secret ballot in cents. The Commissioners may ask the candidates to run the entire program or only part of it. Any members of the jury that have had a teaching relationship with any of the competitors in the past three years will abstain from voting.
Art. 6. – The trial will be public and the final judgments will be expressed and communicated at the end of the hearings in each category.
Art. 7. – Each team must provide its own music stands and musical instruments except the piano.
Art. 8. – The competitor soloist accompanied (Youngest or Young) and the lyric singer can, if needed, ask the help of the professional pianist made available by the competition organization. The supporting pianist will be available for the first trial, the execution for the evaluation and the eventual final exhibition in the final awards ceremony. Any other trial will need to be asked for and arranged separately.
Art. 9. – Definitions:
- Ranking: the score established by the Jury (expressed in cents) to the single team competing for each section contributes to the establishment of the section ranking.
- First classified: is the instrumental group who reaches the highest score in the specific ranking and however not less than 95/100.
- Second classified: is the instrumental group that arrives immediately after the First classified and however with a score not less than 90/100.
- Third place: is the instrumental group that arrives immediately after the Second classified and however with a score not less than 85/100.
- Certificate of merit: will be given to single competitors part of groups with a score not lower than 81/100.
- Certificate of participation: will be given to single competitors part of groups with a score lower than 81/100.
Art. 10. – Rewards:
- The Youngest Instrumental Section (age between 13 and 18 not completed)
- First Classified: Prize money of € 1.500,00 and Plaque for the ensemble – Diploma of 1° classified for each competitor;
- Second Classified: Prize money of € 800,00 and Plaque for the ensemble – Diploma of 2° classified for each competitor;
- Third Classified: Plaque for the ensemble; Diploma of 3° classified for each competitor;
- The Young Instrumental Section (age between 18 and 30 completed)
- First Classified: Prize money of € 2.000,00 and Plaque for the ensemble – Diploma of 1° classified for each competitor;
- Second Classified: Prize money of € 1.000,00 in memory of “Carlotta Nobile” (winner of the Rotary Club Roma Capitale) and Plaque for the ensemble – Diploma of 2° classified for each competitor;
- Third Classified: Plaque for the ensemble; Diploma of 3° classified for each competitor;
- Lyrical singing Section (age between 18 and 35 completed)
- First Classified: Prize money of € 2.000,00 and Plaque – Diploma of 1° classified;
- Second Classified: Prize money of € 1.000,00 and Plaque – Diploma of 2° classified;
- Third Classified: Plaque; Diploma of 3° classified;
Also will be awarded at the discretion of the Commission, two special prizes, of € 750.00 each, offered by Maestro Franco Giovine, the two voices, one male and one female, deemed most interesting and promising, among the participants in the competition, regardless of the result achieved in the ranking.
Art. 11. – The day and time of the hearing of each instrumental group will be communicated by the Competition Secretary in a schedule of tests that can be viewed on the website www.rotarycastelliromani.it by the 28th of March 2015. In any case, for any information and/or communications, you may contact the e-mail address rotarysymphony@gmail.com.
Art. 12. – All participants must be present at the competition in the place foreseen, on the day and hour set, under penalty of exclusion from the competition. Competitors who arrive late for justified reasons, will be heard at the end of the specific category (if the hearing is still pending).
Art. 13. – Competitors must show proof of identity at the beginning of the hearing. Admittance to the competition implies unconditional approval of this Regulation.
Art. 14 – Ensembles classified either in first, second or third place will be given the chance to perform at events organized by the Rotary Club or Organizations which adhere to the Rotary Symphony. The costs of travel, meals and possibly stay are borne by the hosting Club/Organization and candidates agree to perform free of charge.
Art. 15. – The registration of ensembles in the various categories must be submitted via web (www.rotarycastelliromani.it) no later than February 28, 2015 using the “Registration Form Ensemble“.
Art. 16. – Registration Fees – The fees to be paid through bank transfer headed to: Rotary Symphony IBAN: IT 33 V 070 9238 9900 0000 0110 834 are as follows:
- First Instrumental Section (Youngest)
- Soloist = € 70,00
- Duo = € 150,00
- Trio = € 200,00
- Quartet & Quintet = € 250,00
- Second Instrumental Section (Young)
- Soloist = € 100,00
- Duo = € 200,00
- Trio = € 250,00
- Quartet & Quintet = € 300,00
- Third Section (Lyrical singing)
- Soloist = € 100
- Contribution for the pianist provided by the organization
- The Youngest = € 70,00
- The Young and Lyrical singing = € 100,00
The registration fee is refundable only and exclusively for annulment of the competition or the specific section.
Art. 17. – Contextually with the registration , candidates must send, via e-mail, the following documents:
- The song to be played specifying author, title and length, and in case the pianist provided by the organization is needed, also copy of the music script which they are going to play;
- For the Youngest Section: parental authorization to the participation with birth date of all participants (layout downloadable by the website);
- For the Young Section (instrumental and lyrical singing): self-certification attesting the birth date of all participants;
- A copy of the payment receipt by bank provided for training (indicate the names of the members);
- Brief Curriculum Vitae.
The above documentation must be properly scanned, converted into “pdf” documents and sent, by e-mail, to the Competition Secretariat at rotarysymphony@gmail.com, in very exceptional cases and for reasons of force majeure, the documents will be sent by ordinary mail (with registered mail) at Rotary Symphony at Hotel Castelvecchio – Via Pio XI, 23 – 00040 Castel Gandolfo (RM) – Italy. Missing to pay registration fees will lead to exclusion from the competition.
Art. 18 – Travel and residence expenses shall be borne by the participants. The organizers provide a list of Hotels, Cottages, B & Bs and Restaurants with which there are arrangements in connection with the Competition on their website (www.rotarycastelliromani.it).
Art. 19 – The organizers of the Competition cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents or damage to property incurred during travel, and during the course of the Competition .
Art. 20 – The organizers of the Competition have the faculty to make all necessary changes to the present Competition Announcement due to force majeure. In such case all participants will be immediately informed.
Art. 21 – The organizers of the Competition have the right to null the whole Competition or a single section in case of insufficient registrations: in such case all participants will be immediately informed (within the 10th of March 2015) and the fees will be completely reimbursed.
Art. 22 – Privacy Pursuant to art. 13 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/03, the data provided at registration will be kept by the secretariat of the Competition and used exclusively for sending information concerning the competition itself. The holder has the right to cancel and correct data or oppose to its use.
Art. 23 – Any matters not included in this Regulation, may be decided by the Artistic Committee of the Competition.